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Wolves Prepare for Silver Jubilee

The Nottingham Wolves turn 25 next year and have big plans to commemorate this milestone.

The Wolves, formed as Arnold Wolves, came into being in 1993 as a result of Mancel Wood’s and Gary Roebuck’s desire to form a new team. Nobody could have predicted the ups and downs the club would experience, or that they’d still be around after 25 years.

Club chair, Rob Clayton, picks up the story. ‘I joined the club a few months after it was formed and it is hard to believe we are on the verge of the 25th year. Lot’s of people have put so much into the club over the years. We’ve had our down times. The club went into hibernation in the early 2000’s, but the torch burned on and it was revived again when a young Danny Roebuck asked if he could form a kids teams. We now have a club of over a hundred people, five senior teams, a ladies team, and a junior set-up. It really has been quite a roller coaster since our reformation.'

'We have big plans for next year. We’re not going to let on too much just yet, but we intend to have events that encompass the whole club. We’ll also be marking the occasion with 25 year anniversary kit, which we hope to have in place by the Fantastic Fours next year. It’s not a replica of the original kit, but it features a commemorative logo, it takes us back to having red as our main colour which is what we wore during our first National Championship, and it features a lace collar which is more retro than grey hair. Big thanks to the designers at Jersey53 for working with me on this.’

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Training Times

Huskies Sessions

Sunday 9:00am - 10:00am - Under 7's & 10's

Sunday 10:00am - 11:00am - Under 13's

Sunday 11:00am - 12:00pm - Under 16's

Senior Sessions

Tuesday 8:30pm - 9:30pm - Advanced Sessions (Invites only)

Friday 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Ladies, games or team sessions.

Friday 8:30pm - 9:30pm - General session (Ages 14+)

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