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Oldtime Hockey is coming to Nottingham!

Do you feel too old to play in the Ball Hockey Leagues? It's okay! We are creating a small league for veterans or newbies that want to play the sport at their own pace. If you are interested, follow the link bellow to their facebook page or contact the Wolves directly from our CONTACT US page and we shall inform you about any information you wish to know.

Below are the teams that have been announced for this oldtime league!

Facebook Link -

The Racers: Captained by Paul Morris.

The Wasps: Captained by Mancel Wood

The Rockets: Captained by Mick "Grandad" Donoghue

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Wolves on instagram

Keep up to date with all of the new Wolves content on our Instagram page.

Want to see the wolves in action? Make sure to follow the page to get all the updates 

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and throwback images!



Training Times

Huskies Sessions

Sunday 9:00am - 10:00am - Under 7's & 10's

Sunday 10:00am - 11:00am - Under 13's

Sunday 11:00am - 12:00pm - Under 16's

Senior Sessions

Tuesday 8:30pm - 9:30pm - Advanced Sessions (Invites only)

Friday 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Ladies, games or team sessions.

Friday 8:30pm - 9:30pm - General session (Ages 14+)

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